Friday, December 21, 2012

El mueble de las fotos/The piece of furniture (2008 ) by Giovanni Maccelli (Spain)

Plot: The piece of furniture in the living room is my family’s shop window. But the photos of the son and his husband have a place there? A gay couple came with a plan to gain a spot in the family photographs.
Cast: Fernando Núñez, Juan Beiro
Director: Giovanni Maccelli
Country: Spain
Release year: 2009
Duration: 2,5′
ESP - El mueble de las fotos del salón es el escaparate de mi familia. Es el típico obstáculo con el que tarde o temprano, todo hijo gay o hija lesbiana con pareja estable, acaba topando. Nunca un mueble hizo tanto por perpetuar los sólidos valores heterosexistas. Y nunca superar ese obstáculo hizo tanto por la dignidad e igualdad de las personas LGBT en nuestro ámbito doméstico.
ENG - The Piece of Furniture in the living room serves as one family’s proud and sacred window to their menaje. It is a typical guardian of heteronormative values. Friends are ok, as long as they don’t become gay partners, because then they cease to fit in the frames.


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